Left of center: is there a Texas political “center” and how’s it doing?

Can the Center Hold? To be (in the center) or not to be? Thus is the question today discussed with Evan Smith (Tribfest) with those listed above. Quotable quotes: The system is dominated by money. We don’t have any idea where we are headed. Republicans are talking nonsensical garbage. Hutchinson – redistributing and gerrymandering. The primary… Read More Left of center: is there a Texas political “center” and how’s it doing?

Healthcare: broken promises, broken state, broken healthcare system

Michael Burgess  Garnet Coleman  Sarah Davis  Kyle Janek  Charles Schwertner  Charles Ornstein (mod.)  (Update: This panel was packed and during the open questions section, the audience was extremely energized over the issues, going from laud applause to outright boos to panelists who were opposed to the Affordable Care Act. One audience member added that he was surprised that even… Read More Healthcare: broken promises, broken state, broken healthcare system

Texas transportation and High-Speed Rail: more of a wish than a plan, but the money is there

Transportation what’s next?   Robert Eckels  Clay Jenkins  Bill Meadows  Jonathan Stickland Marc Williams  Aman Batheja (mod.)  (speakers not seated in order of names listed) I’m not as excited as the panelists about the “existing opportunities” for Texas transportation, as it has been implemented over the last decade. Honestly, with the demographic data in hand, and the… Read More Texas transportation and High-Speed Rail: more of a wish than a plan, but the money is there